Cloud Migration & Modernisation

Migrate & Modernise

We lead clients through Azure application migration, promoting modernization by harnessing cloud-native services and AWS platforms, freeing them from the constraints of legacy infrastructure.

Core Features

We collaborate closely with customer stakeholders to determine the optimal approach for migrating applications and services—whether to move them as-is or invest in upgrading them to leverage cloud-native capabilities over traditional IaaS technologies.

Move or Innovate?

While facilitating seamless Azure migrations from existing IaaS environments, we prioritize modernization throughout the process. Collaboratively, we seize the opportunity to enhance application stacks.

Appraisal of Applications

Using our framework, we assess which applications merit modernization and which can be migrated as-is, striking the ideal balance between investment considerations and practicality.

Application Transformation

Working closely with development teams, we analyze application stacks, ensuring alignment with Azure's target architecture and identifying modern components to replace legacy elements.


When feasible, we facilitate a lift-and-shift approach for scenarios where immediate transformation is impractical due to factors such as code availability, economic considerations, or time constraints. Azure migration serves as a foundation for future enhancements and optimizations.

Structured Migration Phases

Together, we collaborate to define migration phases and treatment strategies for pertinent applications, ensuring meticulous planning, automated migration, and thorough testing throughout the migration process.

Testing & Validation

We set up customized testing and validation criteria for each application in scope, proceeding with cutover only after a successful test migration, and always maintaining a clear rollback strategy.